Where can I improve my knowledge about Bootstrap?

Hello there, I’ve been learning HTML5 and CSS3 for a few months and wanted to improve my knowledge about bootstrap. Could you recommend me any source where I could read and practice this? Thanks in advance.

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I like the video tutorials from UDEMY.com -

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Use this coupon code - NOV1202 - and any course honest $10 -

If you want free - then https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gqOEoUR5RHg

  • this video goes really FAST…
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I found the Bootstrap components page really helpful to read through just to see all the things that were possible.

I found the Bootstrap page had lots of practical examples of what can be done with Bootstrap. I also love this interactive cheatsheet great to show examples of everything.

Bootstrap is really intuitive. I think I watched two or three YouTube videos and then just started incorporating it into my projects, looking at the official documentation whenever I had a question. I still find myself referencing those docs regularly.

Thanks everybody for your suggestions, I will take a look at the sites and the tutorials :slight_smile:

@rvigil24 u can even learn from W3Schools :slight_smile: All the best

Go to : http://getbootstrap.com/css/

and select the various categories on the right!

:slight_smile: hope that helps.

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