Where did the pennies go?

The log statement prints out every one I need except the pennies.

const currencyChart = {
      'Penny': 1,
      'NICKEL': 5,
      'DIME': 1,
      'QUARTER': 25,
      'ONE': 100,
      'FIVE': 500,
      'TEN': 1000, 
      'TWENTY': 2000,
      'ONE HUNDRED': 10000

function checkCashRegister(price, cash, cid) {
    // multiply all values by 100 bc it is easier to work with all integers
    let changeSum = cash * 100 - price * 100; 
    // storing a copy bc I need to make modifications to it below
    let changeSumCheck = changeSum; 
    let change = []; 
    let status = ''; 
    let cidSum = 0;
    let filteredCid = cid.filter(elem => elem[1] !== 0).reverse(); 
    filteredCid.forEach(elem => {
        let curr = elem[0];
        let currSum = elem[1] * 100; 
        cidSum += currSum; 
        let amount = 0; 
        while(changeSum >= currencyChart[curr] && currSum > 0) {
            amount += currencyChart[curr]; 
            changeSum -= currencyChart[curr];
            currSum -= currencyChart[curr]; 
        if(amount !== 0) {
            change.push([curr, amount / 100]); 

    if(changeSum > 0) {
        status = 'INSUFFICIENT_FUNDS'; 
        change = [];
    else if (changeSum == 0 && changeSumCheck == cidSum) {
        status = 'CLOSED'; 
        change = cid; 
    else {
        status = 'OPEN';
    console.log({'status': status, 'change': change})
    return {'status': status, 'change': change}; 
  checkCashRegister(3.26, 100, [["PENNY", 1.01], ["NICKEL", 2.05], ["DIME", 3.1], ["QUARTER", 4.25], ["ONE", 90], ["FIVE", 55], ["TEN", 20], ["TWENTY", 60], ["ONE HUNDRED", 100]]);

I didn’t dig deep into your code, but this was the first thing I saw. Do you see something to change here that might impact the rest of your code?

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