Where do I report a minor error in a tutorial? e.g. CSS flex-wrap

I’m looking at https://www.freecodecamp.org/learn/responsive-web-design/css-flexbox/use-the-flex-wrap-property-to-wrap-a-row-or-column. The description of the wrap-reverse option for flex-wrap is described incorrectly. It doesn’t wrap items from right-to-left (that would be the row-reverse value for the flex-direction property). Come to think of it the wrap value is also described in a misleading way. I propose the following:

  • wrap: In a row, wraps overflowing items below the previous row. In a column, wraps overflowing items to the right of the previous column.
  • wrap-reverse: In a row, wraps overflowing items above the previous row. In a column, wraps overflowing items to the left of the previous column.

What is the correct way to provide freecodecamp.org with this kind of feedback? (And why isn’t that an option on each tutorial page?)

Thank you!
-Carl Klutzke

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