Why doesn't my code work? Using Objects for Lookups

can’t change result at the bottom

result is a variable. Do you know how to change the value stored in a variable? If you don’t know how to do this, you should review this lesson:

yessss I know how to change a value in a stored variable, but how will it change ALL of the values if there is going to be a user input?

You need to use the user input val to select the correct value in the lookup. Do you know how to access a property of an object?

I’m not sure why you added this. This is less correct that the code in your first post.

function phoneticLookup(val) {
  // Create a variable for our result
  let result = "";

  // Create a lookup object
  const lookup = {
    alpha: "adams",
    bravo: "boston",
    charlie: "Chicago"
    delta: "Denver"
    echo: "Easy"
    foxtrot: "Frank"

  // THE VALUE OF 'result'

  // Currently you do nothing with the lookup object
  // and return the empty string
  return result;

This is what I have…

function phoneticLookup(val) {
  let result = "";

  // Only change code below this line
  const lookup = {
    alpha: 'adams',
    bravo: 'Boston',
    charlie: 'Chicago',
    delta: 'Denver',
    echo: 'Easy',
    foxtrot: 'Frank',
result = lookup.val

  // Only change code above this line
  return result;


hehe it’s ok. it’s right in your face. You’ll soon realize!

go over the logic of the code:

  1. initialize var
  2. create obj
  3. return var

there has to be something between 2 and 3 otherwise var will be as initialized

Getting close. You cannot use dot notation with variable holding variable names.

Once you fix that, double check the capitalization of your strings

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I think I’m stupid. I did all of the other modules with initilizing vars, creating objects and stuff, but I can’t get this one.

You certainly can get this one. You are nearly there. Insulting yourself can be a reaction some people have to frustration, but it doesn’t really help. This stuff is hard. Give yourself a break.

learning something new always makes us feel this way. dont worry there’s a curve to every learning expirience. hang in there

this holds the next clue !

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y’all I just don’t know the keywords to look for I guess to know what to use. This is what I have so far…

function phoneticLookup(val) {
  let result = "";

  // Only change code below this line
  const lookup = {
    alpha: 'adams',
    bravo: 'Boston',
    charlie: 'Chicago',
    delta: 'Denver',
    echo: 'Easy',
    foxtrot: 'Frank',

  // Only change code above this line
  return result;

function phoneticLookup(val) {
  let result = "";

  // Only change code below this line
  const lookup = {
    alpha: 'adams',
    bravo: 'Boston',
    charlie: 'Chicago',
    delta: 'Denver',
    echo: 'Easy',
    foxtrot: 'Frank',
result = lookup[val]

  // Only change code above this line
  return result;


Close. Very close

phoneticLookup("alpha") should equal the string Adams

Ah yeah I got that part lol. I guess I just need to figure out keywords and how to know what to apply. After you explained, I understand for THIS problem. But if I were given another one for a new lesson, I would have the same problem if that makes sense. Thanks for your help

Programming is all about practice. I know the keywords because I’ve done this for years. You can get there too

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i took code in high school

i get it. its been awhile man

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