Why is this answer not getting pass?

This is the link to the lesson
here is my answer:

var myNoun = "dog";
var myAdjective = "big";
var myVerb = "ran";
var myAdverb = "quickly";

// Only change code below this line
var wordBlanks = "My " + myNoun " is " + myAdjective + " so my friend " + myVerb + " very " + myAdverb ; // Change this line
// Only change code above this line

The editor returns this error

SyntaxError: unknown: Missing semicolon. (7:31)

  5 |
  6 | // Only change code below this line
> 7 | var wordBlanks = "My " + myNoun " is " + myAdjective + " so my friend " + myVerb + " very " + myAdverb ; // Change this line
    |                                ^
  8 | // Only change code above this line

Where am I going wrong?

The error message points it out: there is a β€œ+” missing.

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oh -
i was focusing on the fact it said Missing semicolon. (7: 31)

Yeah error messages are more like an indicator where the interpreter found an error and what it expected - the error usually is something else and can be even in a different line.
For example forgetting to close parenthesis but the interpreter only notices it 5-15 lines later so you gotta figure out yourself where it came from…

good to know
thank you

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