Why using new person and .save(). Why not person.create()?

Tell us what’s happening:
The question I have is why are we using .save() . Why not using only .create ?
The question proper is what is difference between using . create an d.save?

Am kinda confused.
Your code so far

var person = new Person( {name: 'Tany', age: 23, favouriteFoods: ['tuna', 'bread'] }); person.save((err, data)=>{ if (err) return done(err) return done(null, data) })

person.create( {name: 'Tany', age: 23, favouriteFoods: ['tuna', 'bread'] },(err, data)=>{ if (err){ handle error }else{ blah blah blah } }))

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Challenge: Create and Save a Record of a Model

Link to the challenge:

Both basically do the same job, creates database document.
Both trigger the save() middleware

  • Model.create() its more generic, you call it directly from your Model class.
  • Model.prototype.save() , you call it from an instance of that Model.
    const test = new Test();

Its your personal preference. Its up to you to call whichever you like.


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