Why you are at FCC?

  • I want to learn JavaScript for my work (Beginner)
  • I want to learn JavaScript for private projects (Beginner)
  • I want to refresh my knowledge in JavaScript (Advanced)
  • I want a deeper understanding in JavaScript (Advanced)
  • I have theoretical knowledge but i want to practice now.
  • I am an expert and simply want to expand my network
  • Other

0 voters

HI all,

i heard many storys from campers in gitter about their reasons to be here. But many people are not there (or talked with me :wink: ).
Tell me why you are here,

I look forward to your answers.

Best regards

Hi there,

Mainly because of the project based curriculum. Building a portafolio with open-source codes that I can actually show. Also because coding has always been fun for me. Lastly but not least because I want to work in the projects for non-profits.


There should be option to choose more than one answer. I can add one more vote to second answer plus to other: because learning with such community is much easier and more motivating than doing it alone.

One answer is enough for this question :slight_smile:
The question was not which way of learning is more funny or what do you like on FCC. The question was your prime reason for beeing here.

Hi! I am here for two reasons. First, I want to be sure I don’t have gaps in my basic knowledge of web development. And second, I like to feel people around communicating and doing the same things as me, while I learn.

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I’ve been coding for a few years. Simply want to refresh my knowledge and turn my hobby into a source of income :slight_smile:

Trying to land a job as a junior web developer~.:smile_cat:

Same as @jinrawx, trying to eventually switch careers, with the added difficulty of avoiding a massive pay cut in the first few years.

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Me too. I think with FCC a portfolio and others projects is gonna be easier to get a entry level or junior position.

Cheers and happy conding :slight_smile:

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To learn new skills so I can switch careers as well as build cool stuff for personal projects.