Word Blanks free code camp

I need help with this below. I don’t understand
unction wordBlanks(myNoun, myAdjective, myVerb, myAdverb) {
var result = “”;
// Your code below this line
// Your code below this line
result+= “My “+myAdjective+” “+myNoun+” “+myVerb+” very “+myAdverb+”.”;

// Your code above this line
return result;

// Change the words here to test your function
wordBlanks(“dog”, “big”, “ran”, “quickly”);
var result="";
// Your code below this line
// Your code below this line
result+= “My “+dog+” “+big+” “+run+” very “+quickly+”.”;

Your function is doing well. You have to remove the extra code after this line:
wordBlanks("dog", "big", "ran", "quickly");