Tell us what’s happening:
tried everything nothing works –
– PostgreSQL database dump
– Dumped from database version 12.17 (Ubuntu 12.17-1.pgdg22.04+1)
– Dumped by pg_dump version 12.17 (Ubuntu 12.17-1.pgdg22.04+1)
SET statement_timeout = 0;
SET lock_timeout = 0;
SET idle_in_transaction_session_timeout = 0;
SET client_encoding = ‘UTF8’;
SET standard_conforming_strings = on;
SELECT pg_catalog.set_config(‘search_path’, ‘’, false);
SET check_function_bodies = false;
SET xmloption = content;
SET client_min_messages
Your code so far
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User Agent is: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36 Edg/
Challenge Information:
World Cup Database - Build a World Cup Database
You should correctly complete the queries in the
file. Fill in each empty echo
command to get the output of what is suggested with the command above it. Only use a single line like the first query. The output should match what is in the expected_output.txt
file exactly , take note of the number of decimal places in some of the query results
PSQL=“psql --username=freecodecamp --dbname=worldcup --no-align --tuples-only -c”
Do not change code above this line. Use the PSQL variable above to query your database.
echo -e “\nTotal number of goals in all games from winning teams:”
echo “$($PSQL “SELECT SUM(winner_goals) FROM games”)”
echo -e “\nTotal number of goals in all games from both teams combined:”
echo “$($PSQL “SELECT SUM(winner_goals + opponent_goals) FROM games”)”
echo -e “\nAverage number of goals in all games from the winning teams:”
echo “$($PSQL “SELECT AVG(winner_goals) FROM games”)”
echo -e “\nAverage number of goals in all games from the winning teams rounded to two decimal places:”
echo “$($PSQL “SELECT ROUND(AVG(winner_goals),2) FROM games”)”
echo -e “\nAverage number of goals in all games from both teams:”
echo “$($PSQL “SELECT((AVG(winner_goals + opponent_goals ) / 2),2) FROM games”)”
echo -e “\nMost goals scored in a single game by one team:”
echo “$($PSQL “SELECT MAX(winner_goals) FROM games”)”
echo -e “\nNumber of games where the winning team scored more than two goals:”
echo “$($PSQL “SELECT COUNT(*) FROM games WHERE winner_goals > 2”)”
echo -e “\nWinner of the 2018 tournament team name:”
echo “$($PSQL “SELECT name FROM teams INNER JOIN games ON teams.team_id = games.winner_id WHERE year=2018 AND round=‘Final’”)”
echo -e “\nList of teams who played in the 2014 ‘Eighth-Final’ round:”
echo “$($PSQL “SELECT name FROM teams INNER JOIN games ON teams.team_id = games.winner_id or teams.team_id = games.opponent_id WHERE year=2014 AND round=‘Eighth-Final’”)”
echo -e “\nList of unique winning team names in the whole data set:”
echo “$($PSQL “SELECT DISTINCT(name) FROM teams INNER JOIN games ON teams.team_id = games.winner_id”)”
echo -e “\nYear and team name of all the champions:”
echo “$($PSQL “SELECT name, year FROM teams INNER JOIN games ON teams.team_id = games.winner_id AND round=‘Final’”)”
echo -e “\nList of teams that start with ‘Co’:”
echo “$($PSQL “SELECT name FROM teams WHERE name LIKE ‘Co%’”)”