I’ve just found out that the new Certified Full Stack Developer curriculum has already released. I’m currently halfway on the JavaScript course on the freecodecamp.org/learn core curriculums. Even though, it is recommended to start over as according to the blog post of fCC, If possible, can I skip the HTML and CSS courses on the Full Stack Dev curriculum and continue JS?
While I’m not fCC staff, and therefore can’t speak authoritatively on the manner, here’s my 2 cents: You can probably skip the HTML and CSS sections and be fine, but I wouldn’t recommend it.
I had already finished the first two certifications in the old curriculum (HTML + CSS and JS, respectively) before starting the new one, and I still feel like I learned a lot from going through the HTML + CSS section in the new one. This is not to mention that if you’re already familiar with HTML + CSS from the old certifications, the new ones shouldn’t really take you that long to finish. For those reasons, I’d recommend not skipping them, but again, it’s not the end of the world if you do.
I decided to complete all steps which isn’t included in the course responsive web dev.
Just a question, if I changed mind and planned to skipped those sections in html and css (because I already got the responsive web dev cert) would not allow me to redeem the full stack dev certificate?