Write Higher Order Arrow Functions problem from fcc

Tell us what’s happening:
the previous two problem before this i solved took me long time to understand inline functions,anonymous function,passing function as argument to other function but was able to understand them 80%.
i dont know how to proceed this problem

should i use for loop to iterate through elements of ‘arr’ and verify if they are positive integer ?
Your code so far

const realNumberArray = [4, 5.6, -9.8, 3.14, 42, 6, 8.34];
const squareList = (arr) => {
  "use strict";
  // change code below this line
  const squaredIntegers = arr.filter(arr.);
  // change code above this line
  return squaredIntegers;
// test your code
const squaredIntegers = squareList(realNumberArray);

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Link to the challenge:

in your filter function, pass an anonymous function like you did before. Whatever parameter you will give, filter method will automatically only store items that pass your truthy test. So filter only integers first then map through the filtered array to square each value.

the parameter i have given to the anonymous function inside filter function is the same array ‘arr’?
ex: const squaredIntegers =arr.filter( (arr) => arr > 0 && arr % parseInt(arr) === 0 )
is it correct?