You should be using correct index to modify the value in myArray

I don’t understand anything about “You should be using correct index to modify the value in myArray.”

// Example
var ourArray = [1,2,3];
ourArray[1] = 3; // ourArray now equals [1,3,3].

// Setup
var myArray = [1,2,3];

// Only change code below this line.

var myArray = [3,2,3];
ourArray[?] = ?

Ahh I got it so it is called:

var ourArray = [1,2,3];
ourArray[1] = 3; // ourArray now equals [1,3,3].

// Setup
var myArray = [1,2,3];

// Only change code below this line.

var myArray = [3,2,3];
myArray[0]= 3;