Your image should have src attribute that points to the kitten image

Can you help me?
I’m stuck here
Why does it show me:
Your image should have src attribute that points to the kitten image.
mr Cat

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Hello @Akerke . Can you please provide your code and the link to the challenge you are not passing? It helps us debugging easy.
When you are posting your code, do as following:

Video Credit: FCC Mods.

Hello! Use the ‘img’ element, and point to a specific image’s URL using the ‘src’ attribute. Also, all ‘img’ elements must have an ‘alt’ attribute to improve accessibility and is displayed if the image fails to load.

So, my answer was :

<img src="" alt="Cute cat"> 

I put it inside the ‘main’ element, and before the existing ‘p’ elements.

Hopefully it can help you!

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Hello @monica.ria.f. Welcome to this beautiful forum! Looks like you tried to add some inline code to your answer. If you want to add inline codes just like this, please use backticks on your keyboard before and after the preferred text:

`hello` #use backticks before and after the text!

Backticks (`) are not the same as single quotes (’). It’s available in the top of most keyboards.

If you want a tutorial about this forum, you can message discobot.


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