Your project can handle dates that can be successfully parsed by new Date(date_string)

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Your project can handle dates that can be successfully parsed by new Date(date_string) i got this error

githubLink: GitHub - Reshmieb/timestamp at master
solution: http://localhost:60619

Your browser information:

User Agent is: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/89.0.4389.114 Safari/537.36.

Challenge: Timestamp Microservice

Link to the challenge:

Hello there,

As far as I am aware, endpoints are not supposed to end in /:


The idea should be to check if a date_string param is included (not undefined).

Hope this helps

i removes that / but again i have got that error


You understand that I do not have access to your localhost… it is on your machine - not publicly accessible.

app.get("/api/timestamp", (req, res) => {

  res.json({ unix:, utc: Date() });


app.get("/api/timestamp/:date_string", (req, res) => {

  let dateString = req.params.date_string;

  //A 4 digit number is a valid ISO-8601 for the beginning of that year

  //5 digits or more must be a unix time, until we reach a year 10,000 problem

  if (/\d{5,}/.test(dateString)) {

    const dateInt = parseInt(dateString);

    //Date regards numbers as unix timestamps, strings are processed differently

    res.json({ unix: dateInt, utc: new Date(dateInt).toUTCString() });

  } else {

    let dateObject = new Date(dateString);

    if (dateObject.toString() === "Invalid Date") {

      res.json({ error: "Invalid Date" });

    } else {

      res.json({ unix: dateObject.valueOf(), utc: dateObject.toUTCString() });




this is my code
this is the output

{"unix":1451001600000,"utc":"Fri, 25 Dec 2015 00:00:00 GMT"}

Where am i doing mistake

With those corrections, your app passes all the tests for me.

Open up your browser console to help you debug, when you click the submit.

Just for reference, a common pattern used with Express to represent:


Is with:


Hope this helps

when i pass my peoject link in solution link then Your project can handle dates that can be successfully parsed by new Date(date_string) again i got this error

Please update GitHub with your latest code. Or, better yet, clone your project to a service like Replit or CodeSandbox, or Glitch, then you can share a link to your code.

Can you see the issue here?:


but when i remove : then not solve the problem that is again that msg show this is my latest code GitHub - Reshmieb/timestamp at master

When I submit your latest code, it passes all the tests.


but when i check its working in brower properly but when i submit in solution link i have revived this again

Are you saying there are no errors in the browser console?



The console, where you submit the link NOT the console on your app.

on that console i got this error Your project can handle dates that can be successfully parsed by

new Date(date_string)