YouTube Webhooks for Beginners Course - Issue with the Netlify section

Hey, so I am going through the webhooks full course video on youtube and am stuck on the netlify section.

My issue right now is the function is not showing anything under Netlify and github is showing error 500. Similar to in the video, but I have already redeployed the site with the DISCORD_WEBHOOK_URL variable added. I’m not getting any response back. Am I missing something that may have changed since the video came out?

Github error:

To clarify the steps I’ve taken:
Webhook URL from netlify is added to github
DISCORD_WEBHOOK_URL variable is added under netlify
Site has been deployed since the variable added


I went through the section again and recloned the github and started over and still the same issue. Github is not able to ping/post anything to netlify function page.

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