Quesion about running tests…

I’m building the survey form on the html-css curriculum and for some reason when I click on the “Run the tests” buttton it doesn’t do anything. Any suggestions? Thx!

Hello, can you please post your full code here and the link to the forum.

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Sure! I’m new here (this is my first question) so I’m not sure how to do that. Could you please direct me? Thx.

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Here it is… (?)

<DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
    <title>Universal Spacelines Survey</title>
    <meta charset="UTF-8">
    <link rel="stylesheet" href="styles.css">
    <link rel="preconnect" href="https://fonts.googleapis.com">
<link rel="preconnect" href="https://fonts.gstatic.com" crossorigin>
<link href="https://fonts.googleapis.com/css2?family=Kode+Mono:wght@400..700&display=swap" rel="stylesheet">
    <h1 id="title">Universal Spacelines Survey</h1>
    <p id="description"><i>Tell us about your experience flying with us</i><p>
    <form id="survey-form">
      <label id="name-label">Your Name: <input id="name" type="text" placeholder="First and last" required /></label>
      <label id="email-label">Your Email: <input id="email" type="email" placeholder="anyone@example.com" required/>
      <label id="number-label">Your Age: <input id="number" type="number" min="18" max="120" placeholder="18+"/></label>
      <label>Where did you fly with us? 
        <select id="dropdown">
          <option>Choose Destination</option>
          <option>Earth's Orbit</option>

      <label>What was your cabin class? 
        <select id="dropdown">
          <option>Choose Class</option>

      <label>What was the purpose of your trip? 
        <select id="dropdown">
          <option>Choose Reason</option>
        <span><legend>How would you rate the service quality of our staff?</legend></span>

          <label>Low <input type="radio" name="staff-quality" value="low"></label>
          <label>Average <input type="radio" name="staff-quality" value="average"></label>
          <label>High <input type="radio" name="staff-quality" value="high" checked ></label>

        <span><legend><br>How would you grade the quality of the cabins, including cleanliness, comfort and functionality?</legend></span>

          <label>Low <input type="radio" name="cabin-quality" value="low"></label>
          <label>Average <input type="radio" name="cabin-quality" value="average"></label>
          <label>High <input type="radio" name="cabin-quality" value="high" checked ></label>

        <span><legend><br>How would you grade the quality of the food served on board?</legend></span>

                    <label>Low <input type="radio" name="food-quality" value="low"></label>
          <label>Average <input type="radio" name="food-quality" value="average"></label>
          <label>High <input type="radio" name="food-quality" value="high" checked ></label>

        <label for="food-comments"><br>If low or average, we would greatly appreciate you telling us what exactly needs improvement in the box below.</label>
        <textarea id="food-comments" name="food-comments" rows="4" cols="50" placeholder="I would like to see improvement in...">

          <span><legend>Do you think your flight was worth the cost payed?</legend></span>

          <label>Yes <input type="radio" name="cost-worth" value="yes" checked ></label>
          <label>No <input type="radio" name="cost-worth" value="no"></label>
          <label>Not sure <input type="radio" name="cost-worth" value="not-sure"></label>

          <span><legend><br>Would you consider using Universal Spacelines again?</legend></span>

          <label>Definitely <input type="radio" name="using-again" value="yes" checked ></label>
          <label>Absolutely not <input type="radio" name="using-again" value="no"></label>
          <label>Unlikely <input type="radio" name="using-again" value="maybe"></label>



          <span><legend>Overall, how was your experience flying with us?</legend></span>

          <label for="5stars">5 Stars <input id="5stars" type="checkbox" value="5"/></label>

          <label for="4stars">4 Stars <input id="4stars" type="checkbox" value="4"/></label>

          <label for="3stars">3 Stars <input id="3stars" type="checkbox" value="3"/></label>

          <label for="2stars">2 Stars <input id="2stars" type="checkbox" value="2"/></label>

          <label for="1stars">1 Stars <input id="1stars" type="checkbox" value="1"/></label>

      <input type="submit" id="submit" value="Submit" />
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It seems that you have figured out how to add your code here. So good job on that.

Okay, so for me there Run the Tests button works. If it does not work for you, check that you have no browser extensions, that is preventing it from working.

There are a couple of errors that you have in your code as well.
I will list a few of them below:
You need to declare your document by using the DOCTYPE html
You need wrap your code in an html element.
You need a head element where you add the title element and the link element (unless you are styling it in your html).
You need a body element that wraps all your code that displays on your page.
You can learn more about the basics here:

I am not sure if you are aware of this but, your certification projects display on your certificate, so ensure that your code and look of your project is :+1:t3:


Following @zuhameer6’s guide, Before clicking run button. You should go to your console, mentioned in the challenge editor. Then click the Run button to test your code. Then that you will be able to see any errors if you have, in the console page.


clear your browser cache and cookies, and then retry.


please recheck your code. its a code error.


Thank you, zhuhameer6!
I went through my code and I think I did everything you directed me to already, but thank you for the help. Please look again and tell me if I missed anything!
I have gone through the basics at W3 for html already and it has helped a lot, so good recommendation! I try to be extra thorough and not miss any basics like that, but please inspect my code for any mistakes - that would mean a lot.
Thanks for responding so quickly!

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Thanks everyone, the tests have somehow gone through and it says I have completed the project. Thx!

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When I scanned your code it seemed fine. There could be some errors that I didn’t pick up on though.
One suggestion is to wrap each of your label elements in either a br element or a article element depending on how much space you want. It makes your page look less crowded.
I have not seen your styling but your html far looks good. Good job, keep it up. Happy Coding!

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Thank you very much for taking the time to inpect my code, and so promptly too! I will try the br or article elements. Soon I will post a final draft here so you can see the styling and all from start to finish.
Shkran lak!

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You are welcome. We are happy to help. :)

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