Spread operator challenge

hi my code doesnt pass and I dont know why:
const sum = (…z) => {
return z.reduce((a,b) => a + b , 0);
const sum = (…z) => z.reduce((a, b) => a + b, 0);

i tried both but it doesnt let go to next lesson

okay so 1st u should just create a new post as this is not a neat way to do things secondly here’s what i could find out:

1: for some reason you are using a set of different points are u perhaps using a different kind of keyboard?

should be


return z.reduce((a,b) => a + b , 0);
const sum = (...z) => z.reduce((a, b) => a + b, 0);```

they both don’t have the args in them why did u delete it?

Your code is correct, you only have to change your z back to the original args provided by the challenge.

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