Additional Resources on JavaScript

You lucky, I was building a list of training resources for work. Use any that interests you. When I get a chance, I will be making a Github pages website for these and many more training resource links.

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Code Bootcamps’ Free Prep courses

These Code Bootcamps offer free prep courses covering HTML, CSS, JavaScript, Node.js and Ruby.

  1. Viking Code School
  2. Fullstack Academy
  3. Flatiron School
  4. Firehose Project
  6. General Assembly
  7. Hack Reactor
  8. LaunchSchool
  9. Le Wagon
  10. devCamp by Bottega

i. Tutorials

  1. JavaScript Basics (
  2. Learn JavaScript (
  3. Intro to jQuery (
  4. Make an Interactive Website (
  5. Learn how to use the SoundCloud API! (
  6. Learn how to use the YouTube API! (
  7. jQuery Path (FCC)

ii. Courses

  1. Basics of Programming with JavaScript (
  2. Advanced JavaScript (
  3. Create HTML5 Apps with jQuery Jump Start(MVA)
  4. Learn JavaScript Properly subreddit (
  5. Preparing for Exam MTA 98-375 HTML5 App Development Fundamentals (MVA)
  6. Developing in HTML5 with JavaScript and CSS3 Jump Start (MVA)
  7. JavaScript Online Training (
  8. jQuery Online Training (
  9. Javascript and jQuery (
  10. HTML/JS: Making webpages interactive (
  11. HTML/JS: Making webpages interactive with jQuery (
  12. Intro to JS: Drawing & Animation (
  13. JavaScript Beginner Tutorial (
  14. JavaScript Intermediate Tutorial (
  15. JavaScript Advanced Tutorial (
  16. JavaScript Jumpstart (

iiii. E-Books

  1. You-Dont-Know-JS Book Series (
  2. Eloquent JavaScript (

iv. References

  1. JavaScript reference (MDN)
  2. Using jQuery Core (
  3. jQuery Events, from jQuery Documentation (
  4. jQuery AJAX, from jQuery Documentation (
  5. jQuery API (
  6. JavaScript Snippets (

v. Articles

  1. Some Important jQuery Methods (
  2. Chrome Dev Tools (
  3. Function Declarations and Expressions (
  4. Working with JavaScript Dates and Times (
  5. JavaScript Prototype (
  6. JavaScript this (
  7. JavaScript Objects (
  8. You Might Not Need jQuery (
  9. Three ways to define a JavaScript class (
  10. JavaScript hacks explained (
  11. Four Things Web Developers Need to Know about Debugging in Visual Studio 2013(
  12. Using Visual Studio to Debug JavaScript in IE(
  13. Visual Studio 2013 can’t debug javascript in cshtml (
  14. QuickBytes: Visual Studio 2013 and JavaScript Debugging(
  15. I Love My IIFE (
  16. Immediately-Invoked Function Expression (
  17. 12 Simple (Yet Powerful) JavaScript Tips (
  18. Javascript design patterns and IIFE (