i fixed the first three tests but i still need help with test 4
Instead of relying on the fCC test to test your code for you, why don’t you come up with your own tests and test your code and see if it works? And if it doesn’t, use some logs to determine why?
Your goal with certification projects is to try everything you know to figure out a solution but it does seem that you are relying on others here to help you out too much because you are not offering your own logs and ideas on what is happening.
ive tried everything i can think of thats why i asked for help because im stuck
You will need to provide the logs you collected and the details of the testing you tried (to generate the logs) and explain what your interpretation of those logs is.
Also pls correct the typo here
ok so you want my code that ive been posting ?
I am not sure what you mean? My last remarks to you were about you fixing your typo and doing the necessary debugging work from your end in order to come up with some conclusions about what is wrong with your code.
Edit: I will also suggest that in order to help yourself you should try to follow the advise of this article: How to be great at asking coding questions | by Gordon Zhu | Medium
Is this an old version of the code? This has all the errors in outlined above such as the input tags, script tags, Script reference link. Post the correct HTML and JS code with all the changes made suggested above. Proof read it carefully to pick up any errors before posting.
there is no way your JavaScript file is going to link up if you link it up wrongly. It should be script not index
A simple way for the alert to appear, you use the onclick attribute in the button element. And pass in your text in “”.
Its a simple way but you still have to figure out how to do it in the JavaScript.
Please don’t necro-post.