What have you tried so far to fix the x-axis?
My code is right there in the pen. Do I need have the domain for xScale
start at 0 too, by the way?
Yeah, I know the code is there. But what have you tried to do to solve the issue. I’m not going to just tell you what’s wrong
This is what I wrote before:
Have you tried for example that?
@sitek94 console.log(xScale.domain())
gives this:
0: Thu Jan 01 1970 05:00:01 GMT+0500 (Pakistan Standard Time) {}
1: Thu Jan 01 1970 05:00:02 GMT+0500 (Pakistan Standard Time) {}
length: 2
__proto__: Array(0)
Why are there empty braces? Are those empty objects?
@sitek94 Did you read my last message?
I said that trying console.log(xScale.domain())
gives this result:
0: Thu Jan 01 1970 05:00:01 GMT+0500 (Pakistan Standard Time) {}
1: Thu Jan 01 1970 05:00:02 GMT+0500 (Pakistan Standard Time) {}
length: 2
__proto__: Array(0)
Why are there empty braces? Are those empty objects?
I got it up to this: DragonOsman D3 Visualization Bar Chart Project (codepen.io).
Why is there a space between the last two bars, though?
I got the code I used on lines 33, 34 and 51 from here: https://codepen.io/freeCodeCamp/full/GrZVaM . It’s the example project. I feel kind of guilty for doing this but I didn’t have a choice. Though I don’t really understand the reason for adding 3
to xMax.getMonth()
Can anyone help me fix the issue with that space between the last two bars?
This is what I have now: DragonOsman D3 Visualization Bar Chart Project (codepen.io).
I switched to plain JavaScript from TypeScript because the former gives an error on type unknown
. There’s still a space between the last two bars. Could someone please help me out here? Thanks.
I’m having a problem with the tooltip now. Here’s the updated Pen.
How do I have the tooltip appear near the bar that the mouseover
event was triggered on, relative to the mouse event coordinates? I tried to use e.pageX
and e.pageY
for that, but what did I do wrong there? And to change the background, do I just do style("background", ...)
and put a color as the second argument?
I fixed it. I had forgotten that you need absolute positioning for it to work.