Displaying images on react

Sorry, still new at nodejs. So I decided to use:

app.get("/api/image/:filename", async (req, res) => {
  const { filename } = req.params;
  pool.query("SELECT * FROM image_files WHERE id = $1", [filename])
     .then(images => {
       if (images[0]) {
     const dirname = path.resolve();
         const fullfilepath = path.join(dirname, images[0].filepath);
         return res.type(images[0].mimetype).sendFile(fullfilepath);
       return Promise.reject(new Error('Image does not exist'));
     .catch(err => res.status(404).json({success: false, message: 'not found', stack: err.stack}),

my uploads live in the backend folder of ‘server>uploads>(images)’

<img src="yourdomain.com/[path-to-image]" />

This would get the image directly from the folder, and not as I upload right?

Thanks for letting me know the problem!