Exercise Tracker Project - Oddly Unfulfilled User Story

Well, let us look at the tests, as I think this would be most beneficial:

const res = await fetch(url + '/api/exercise/new-user', {
        method: 'POST',
        headers: { 'Content-Type': 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded' },
        body: `username=fcc_test_${Date.now()}`.substr(0, 29)

      if (res.ok) {
        const { _id, username } = await res.json(); // This is the response from your app
        // Now, using all the information provided, an expected object is created...
        const expected = {
          description: 'test',
          duration: 60,
          date: 'Mon Jan 01 1990'
  • A POST request is made to your app’s endpoint /api/exercise/new-user
  • In this POST, a username is passed: username=fcc_test_${Date.now()}.substr(0, 29)` (This is just a fancy way to ensure that every time a new user is posted, it has a different username, because the username is linked to the time of request)
  • An expected object gets created.
  • This has very little to do with the actual test, but is useful to use for testing
const addRes = await fetch(url + '/api/exercise/add', {
          method: 'POST',
          headers: { 'Content-Type': 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded' },
          body: `userId=${_id}&description=${expected.description}&duration=${expected.duration}&date=1990-01-01`
  • A new POST request is made to the app endpoint: /api/exercise/add
  • The following arguments are passed in the request:
let body = {
  userId: _id,
  description: expected.description,
  duration: expected.duration,
  date: "1990-01-01"
  • The _id comes from this line above:
const { _id, username } = await res.json();

This is exactly the same as if you had made use of the UI to create a new-user:
Then, add an exercise:


if (addRes.ok) {
          const actual = await addRes.json();
          assert.deepEqual(actual, expected);
  • If the response returns an ok status, the actual user object is stored in the variable actual
  • actual is compared to the expected created earlier.

In summary:

  • New user created
  • expected values are based on this new user
  • An exercise is added to a user based on the _id
  • The returned (actual) user object is compared to the expected user object

Hope this helps

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