freeCodeCamp Challenge Guide: Word Blanks

Can someone please share what am I doing wrong here?
Shouldn’t this solution qualify for the second part of the question?



@kazanski I think you need spaces at the beginning of your strings b to e, as well as at the end? (No space needed at the beginning of var a or the end of var e, as that’s the beginning and end of the sentence.)


Thanks @lizabelle . Refreshed the challenge and pasted the code with the spaces and it worked!


Can someone please help me I can’t seem to get past this challenge what am I doing wrong? Here is that I have:

Nevermind I finally got it to work. There must be a bug or something.

The exercise requires knowledge in areas we haven’t learned yet. Upon seeing the answer it was much simpler than I thought. You just ad the noun, verb, etc for the words used for wordBlanks.

function wordBlanks(myNoun, myAdjective, myVerb, myAdverb) {
var result = “”;
// Your code below this line
var result += “My “+myAdjective+” “+myNoun+” “+myVerb+” very “+myAdverb+”.”;

// Your code above this line
return result;

// Change the words here to test your function
wordBlanks(“dog”, “big”, “ran”, “quickly”);


it’s because you guys don’t know what function means , you should go learn Algorithms first before you do this , Free Code Camp made a mistake by not intoducing you to that or at least they should warn you about it . cheers!


exactly ! i got distracted by that function because i was trying to figure out how it does work, and what’s the main idea behind it . lmao i think people who didn’t learn Algorithms or functions before didn’t get stuck in here they just did what they have been told

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