Help with some finishing touches on my calculator project

This would be much easier to diagnose if you could provide your code in CodePen, or at least link to your code in a repo.

This sort of implementation detail is entirely up to you. See this post:

Note On Calculator Logic: It should be noted that there are two main schools of thought on calculator input logic: immediate execution and formula logic (our example utilizes formula logic and observes order of operation precedence, immediate execution does not). Either is acceptable, but please note that depending on which you choose, your calculator may yield different results than ours for certain equations (see below example). As long as your math can be verified by another production calculator, please do not consider this a bug.

Scientific notation comes to mind. Smaller font size is possible. You could also keep in mind the maximum size of numbers in JavaScript and leave room for up to 16 digits. First option is coolest, IMO, but the second is easiest.

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