How are answers evaluated?

so, to try to sum up something from all this…

  1. the evaluation function is wrong or incomplete
  2. the first listed solution, Solution 1, is wrong (from Hints section)

the second solution, ‘Solution 2’, works, tho.

the strict/variable stuff seems like a big topic.

but i figured out why the ReferenceError only shows up sometimes – when I put my own updateRecords() function call at the bottom of the editor, it forced the virtual/Editor/strict-checker stream of execution (presumably?) to go through the non-strict-code – which then triggered the ReferenceError.

so, not sure if that is possible – have the ‘strict check’ just check every possible path through the code – like 100% test coverage.

Original bottom of code:

updateRecords(collection, 5439, 'artist', 'ABBA');

Bottom of code in my sample code:

updateRecords(collection, 5439, "tracks", "Take a Chance on Me");