Learn Form Validation by Building a Calorie Counter - Step 49

Nope, it is not. You still have stuff that isn’t a template literal there, and you’re missing part of the template literal.

can you be more precise? what symbols indicate the start and end of the template literal?

But in the task it is written about it: After your label element, and on a new line in your template string, create an input element.

You have not correctly identified the template literal.

How should I define it more correctly? Please give me a little more correct definition of it. I’ll learn it by heart.

You could try answering my question, which symbol indicate the start and which symbol indicates the end of the template literal?

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You should be able to research what a template literal is this far into the curriculum. Have you looked at MDN or Google?

If I had applied there, I would have known the standard definition of this term, and since I did not apply anywhere, I do not know it.

Then you should try looking up the definition.

Without any problem: " Step 42

JavaScript has a feature called template literals, which allow you to interpolate variables directly within a string. Template literals are denoted with backticks ```` , as opposed to single or double quotes. Variables can be passed in to a template literal by surrounding the variable with ${} – the value of the variable will be inserted into the string."

You should be able to answer @ILM’s question with that definition.

Ok, I’ll do it right now.I did not expect that right now I would be given a test or an exam for knowledge and understanding of the theoretical content of lectures.

My answer is: Step 42

JavaScript has a feature called template literals, which allow you to interpolate variables directly within a string. Template literals are denoted with backticks ```` , as opposed to single or double quotes. Variables can be passed in to a template literal by surrounding the variable with ${} – the value of the variable will be inserted into the string.

Well, the answer is inside there for sure, so please tell me the answer, and not the copied text

Again, copy-pasting text you find is still not helpful. You should try to answer the question asked.

You should exactly answer to the questions. Like:

"" //This is called string in JavaScript;
[] // This is called array;

Now it’s your turn. What is template literals string

Ok, I’ll do it right now.I did not expect that right now I would be given a test or an exam for knowledge and understanding of the theoretical content of lectures.

This is not a test about theoretical content. This is a very practical question about content that you need to be able to use to solve this step.


As I promised, I will answer the question in my own words based on the lecture material. As stated in the theoretical part of step (lecture) No. 42, JavaScript has a function called template literals that allows you to interpolate variables directly inside a string. Template literals are indicated by the back sign ` , unlike single or double quotes. Variables can be passed to the template literal by surrounding the variable with the ${} symbol – the value of the variable will be inserted into the string." What I want to say is that you have a very strong preparation here, that at any moment you can ask any lecture to be reproduced in your own words in its theoretical part.

That’s still way more text than the direct answer to the question that was asked.

And again, this is absolutely not a theoretical question. This is a concrete and specific syntax question.