Let's discuss your "Local Weather App"

I was going for a widget-type thing with this. Switched to forecast.io before I realized OpenWeatherMap supports JSONP, oops. I might switch it back, since OWM’s API has more info (like place names!) Feedback is most appreciated!


Project Link - (http://codepen.io/ponderfizzle/pen/LZZmMP/)

This is mine, made it without using JQuery or anything else :slight_smile: This tought me a lot!

hi guys this is my weather app, feedback is welcome if you find any bugs please let me know. Thanks!


Project link - http://codepen.io/btaspikhov/pen/XKpVye

Project Link - http://codepen.io/akholod/full/ZOWmZa/

or https://akholod.github.io/weather-app/ - with meteo icon font.

Thank you for views and feedback.

Here is mine: http://codepen.io/bigmozes/full/XKNemP/
Besides, does anyone use your own built weather app to know your local weather? I just did so. We’ve got frying pan here - 30,7℃ :slight_smile:

James, it doesn’t work for me. I got the location, but no weather details. I am using safari on a Mac.

How strange - it has totally stopped working with me changing anything :frowning:

Check your console messages. I see “TypeError: undefined is not an object (evaluating ‘getweather.rain’)”

Adding my link for comments: https://genestd.github.io/weather/


soueuls, I agree with you. I too learnt a lot of things with this project.

Hi All, I just finished the local weather app. Please see the link below -

Project Link - http://codepen.io/coderpradxj/pen/GqrYYq


Project Link - http://codepen.io/JGoebel03/pen/OXVYqV
I’ve finally completed my weather app. Let me know what you think.
I took a bit longer than I wanted because I made my own icons and graphics so I had to learn a bit of Illustrator.


this is an excellent weather app!

Project Link - https://codepen.io/KevinCastle/full/qNRmmw/
I try to do it like material design. I hope you like it.


Cheers buddy - I’ve taken the rainfall out as it was causing problems - it should work now.

Project link - https://codepen.io/lsilvey/full/MebNjj/

Didn’t spend too much time with the design on this project but everything should be functional. I used Erik Flowers weather icons, geolocation, and the OpenWeatherMap API. I had to use crossorigin.me in order for the API to work with https, which I think might be contributing to the long load time.

Feedback welcome!


Project local weather app

How did you get Erik Flower’s icons to work in Codepen? They look like a download only sort of thing.