New career at 45yo?

One more Done

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First of all, props to you for making the switch! I’m a newbie as well, and I have to say I’m learning things just from this thread alone, so thank you and happy to collaborate/connect!


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I love this thread. It’s giving good vibes :sunglasses:

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@Jonef found the book name which I mentioned earlier " The Power of One More: The Ultimate Guide to Happiness and Success"

Happy reading and building projects till you get your dream job :slight_smile:

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tks for the book advice.

Will th JS certification module have an update, like the web design certification had?

They are working on one. No timeline as to when it could be ready.

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Here is my first JS

multiplication table

It is written in Portuguese, but it works.

It has also a digit checker. If no number is written, it gives an alert.

It is a simple one, but is the first! :muscle:


Another JS exercise, to try to retain the information I am gettim with the JS certifiation Curriculum and form other sources also.

It is a number analyzer.

Number analyzer

I was struggling with the array elements, transforming and sorting them.

But with the help i got in this thread, I got it.

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