Step 3 not making sense

print(‘text’) is also wrong.

Right… because you are still using quotation marks. Stop using quotes

here’s a clue:
When words are put within either double “” or single ‘’ quotations…they become string.
They’re not a variable name anymore.

I agree this step could use a more concrete example.

Something like this:

a = "Apple"

This is how to store a string in a variable and print a variable. “Apple” will be printed in the output.

I think the word “including” might be misinterpreted. I opened an issue suggesting we change it to “adding”.

For now, print your text variable to the screen by adding the variable name between the opening and closing parentheses of the print() function.

We might also update the hint.

You should pass text to your print() function by adding the name of this variable within parentheses. Do not put quotes around the variable name.

As suggested an example with a variable as the argument might help as well.


I know. I also did it without during the 100 times I tried

I know this. But this step 3 is the beginning of the Python course so it won’t be here yet.

If you put text without the quotation marks inside of the () for the function call to print() then the step passes. Source: I just did it twice in a row

OK, let me try re-reading it to “adding” and see if I figure something out. Thanks

I did that plenty of times. Try the lesson yourself and see if it works

Yep. I tried it again. It still works to write text without any quotation marks as the argument for print().
What is the exact code you have when you try to do this?

Did you understand the difference between text and "text"?

If you add quotes around a variable it becomes a literal string. To use the value stored inside the variable you must use it as a variable, not as a string.

someString = "String value stored inside someString"
print(someString) # "String value stored inside someString"
print("someString") # "someString"

I added the example for you to follow. This is how to print the variable a.


Use this format to print the variable text.

Note: a variable does not use quotes around it


I added it on ANOTHER LINE and it worked. The instructions taken as face value really is bad LOL and incorrect. But thanks man. It should tell us to add another line instead of not knowing to NOT modify line 1. The way it’s written is telling us to modify the line.

If you modify the first line you don’t have a variable to print out anymore.

# declare and assign the variable
# print out the value of the variable

Anyway, the challenge will be updated and will contain more steps so it doesn’t try to teach so many things all at once.

Try to look on the bright side. You learned a lot about printing variables and had a ton of support at the same time. Sounds like a win :white_check_mark:

I did pass other Java courses and JavaScript courses when I went to college. I took Python free online lessons too, but totally forgot even some things, even if it’s basic. It was the instructions that killed me the most. I take everything verbatim. But all good. Thanks