Step 57 “Step Inline” is impossible for me to pass

I looked up this

and did this:

// Only change code below this line
  const count = arr.push(item);
  const count1 = arr.shift();

  return count1;
  // Only change code above this line

and it passed. Nice… BUT I am not so certain I understand everything about this. I am afraid we’ll meet in here so much more often guys lol :confused:
I wish there were more similar tasks to this.
Thank you all for your patience

@kevinSmith or someone else, would you explain to in simple words what did I just do? Looks like when using “push/shift” etc I have to put new variable in front of it. In this case I put “count” and “count1”.

The instruction says:

The nextInLine function should then return the element that was removed.

I am still not sure what is that first element (removed one).