I’m in the early stages of working on this challenge and so far I have attempted to make a component that can be used to increment and decrement a value, but for some reason certain tests fail, some examples below:
When I click the element with the id of “break-increment”, the value within id=“break-length” increments by a value of 1, and I can see the updated value.
- When I click the element with the id of “session-increment”, the value within id=“session-length” increments by a value of 1, and I can see the updated value.
I should not be able to set a session or break length to > 60.
I have tried but have no clue why this keeps happening, when I test these conditions on my own there seems to be no issue.
Below I have posted the code to the 3 components I have made so far that resulted in these test errors.
Thanks in advance for the time.
const MIN = 1;
const MAX = 60;
function AddValueBtn({ id, btnIcon, valueAddedOnClick, stateSetter }) {
const onClickHandler = () => stateSetter(state => {
const newState = state + valueAddedOnClick;
return (newState > MAX)? MAX : (newState < MIN)? MIN : newState;
return (
<button id={id} className='cursor-pointer' onClick={onClickHandler}>
<FontAwesomeIcon icon={btnIcon} />
function DurationControlContainer({ id, state, stateSetter }) {
return (
<div className="flex flex-col justify-center items-center gap-2">
<h2 className="capitalize text-2xl" id={`${id}-label`}>
{`${id} length`}
<div className="flex justify-center items-center gap-5">
<AddValueBtn id={`${id}-decrement`} btnIcon={faArrowDown} valueAddedOnClick={-1} stateSetter={stateSetter} />
<p className="text-lg" id={`${id}-length`}>
<AddValueBtn id={`${id}-increment`} btnIcon={faArrowUp} valueAddedOnClick={1} stateSetter={stateSetter} />
function App() {
const [sessionLength, sessionLengthSetter] = useState(DEFAULT_SESSION_LENGTH);
const [breakLength, breakLengthSetter] = useState(DEFAULT_BREAK_LENGTH);
return (
<div className="flex gap-40">
<DurationControlContainer id="session" state={sessionLength} stateSetter={sessionLengthSetter} />
<DurationControlContainer id="break" state={breakLength} stateSetter={breakLengthSetter} />