A bit of question on Basic Algorithm Scripting - Falsy Bouncer

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Hi there,
I have a bit question here what’s the difference between if (arr[i]) and if(arr[i] === true)?

  **Your code so far**
function bouncer(arr) {
let newone =[];
for (let i = 0; i <arr.length; i++){
  if(arr[i] === true) {
 return newone;

console.log(bouncer([7, "ate", "", false, 9]));

when i run this code, it won’t work. but as soon as i delete === true it will work just fine. I wonder why?

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User Agent is: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36

Challenge: Basic Algorithm Scripting - Falsy Bouncer

Link to the challenge:

When you type if (arr[i] === true) you are checking that element in the array if it is the boolean true, if its not the boolean true then it is false. But if you type if (arr[i]) its seeing truthy values and saying true and running your code. Anything that is not a falsy value is truthy.

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I see thanks! I’ll spend more time exploring MDN

Very nice explanation!

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