A value attribute

Hi , i can’t pass this step , i need a help please , thanks a lot

Step 48

If you select the Indoor radio button and submit the form, the form data for the button is based on its name and value attributes. Since your radio buttons do not have a value attribute, the form data will include indoor-outdoor=on, which is not useful when you have multiple buttons.

Add a value attribute to both radio buttons. For convenience, set the button’s value attribute to the same value as its id attribute.

what kind of help are you hoping for?

where i can put the “value attribute” in this line :
<label><input id="indoor" button value="indoor" type="radio" name="indoor-outdoor"> Indoor</label>

you have it already

I suggest you delete the button in there, it is not a valid html attribute here

i have put the value attribute after “input” and it’s ok
thanks a lot

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