Advice on REST API deployment

Hello everyone, I was about to deploy my first major project, a Rest API built with fastapi that connected to a mongodb database.

I have tried doing a bit of research on how to deploy my api but most of the articles that I read were about deploying a simper version of an api, ie one that was not connected to a database and just worked from objects in a list.

I have found on fcc this article :

that explains how to deploy your mongodb app to heroku, which seems to describe something similar to the thing I want (a deployment of a mongodb and fast api rest api to heroku)

This guide was built with node.js in mind, and not python.

How would I go about following this guide if My app was written using python and fast api as opposed to JavaScript and node.js?

Hey Beatrix,

Heroku has a nice tutorial for Pythoneers too:

The “Provision a Database” section of the tutorial uses PostgreSQL, but you should be able to use the MongoDB add-on that was used in the NodeJS + Mondodb tutorial that you found.

I’d suggest you give it a try. Just drop us a message here if you get stuck with the tutorial, and we will help you.


Many thanks, I will give this a go! In the worst case scenario I could just include the github source code of this api when I am applying for jobs, but I think that recruiters would be more pleased to see a deployed version of my project :smiley:

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