Ajax Array of Arrays instead of Array of Objects

The Book I’m reading sets height from the object calling count from an object in an array

    "name": "HTML",
    "count": 21
    "name": "CSS",
    "count": 17
    "name": "Responsive Web Design",
    "count": 17

The assignment I’m trying to complete needs to set the height from an array in an array, where the original code references count as the 2nd entry in the object, I need to change it to gdp which is the 2nd entry in an array of arrays. Specifically, these 2 lines where it returns datum.count… I should return datum[1]?
datum.[1]? I’m not clear on how to access it?

"data": [

BarChart: Data Visualization with D3 Challenges at freeCodeCamp.com

live demo,


d3.json('https://raw.githubusercontent.com/freeCodeCamp/ProjectReferenceData/master/GDP-data.json').then(function (data) {

  // console.log(data);
  // console.log(data.data);
  data = data.data;
  //once data is retrieved...
  // // section 5 Using AJAX data to create SVG elements

  d3.select('svg').selectAll('rect') //select rectangles within svg (even if none exist)
    .data(data) //attach data to the rectangles
    .enter() //find the data elements that are not attached to rectangles
    .append('rect'); //append rectangles for each data not attached to a rectangle

  // // section 6 Adjusting the height and the width of the bars

  var yScale = d3.scaleLinear(); //create a linear scale
  yScale.range([HEIGHT, 0]); //set its visual range to 600 -> 0 (remember bottom of svg is 600px down from top)
  var yMin = d3.min(data, function (datum, index) { //get the minimum y data value...
    return datum.count; //by looking at the count property of each datum
  var yMax = d3.max(data, function (datum, index) { //get the maximum y data value...
    return datum.count; //by looking at the count property of each datum
  yScale.domain([yMin - 1, yMax]); //set the domain of yScale from yMin and yMax

nevermind, I logged datum[1] and could see it, I just wasn’t setting the height yet…

Screenshot from 2021-01-13 16-29-44

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