npm install fails : “npm” no se reconoce como un comando interno o externo,
programa o archivo por lotes ejecutable. Al intentar ejecutar la instalación me arrojó ese error…
El agente de usuario es: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36 LikeWise/96.6.6126.57
Challenge Information:
Análisis de datos con Python - Introducción al Análisis de Datos
I am trying to execute the Backend challenges of Freecodecamp locally, I have already cloned the repository from Github and I downloaded it to my desk, but when I tried to execute the NPM Install command, I threw the error described above … I don’t know where the failure is. … I am using Windows 11 and I tried the installation from the system symbol.
Of course, but before starting the course it is recommended to visit a forum where it is explained how to execute the Backend challenges of Freecodecamp locally, and that is where the failure was presented.
That is a general guide for gitpod, which is used for the Python final projects, and the NodeJS backend challenges.
You do not start/stop a Python project, you execute it. There is a symbol to do that or type py <name_of_the_file> (could be python or python3 instead of py)
the repositories for NodeJS have installing npm already included in the starting of the workspace, so you would not get that error. To solve the error you would just need to install npm.