Angular - How to retrieve filename from a blob response

Hi you all,
I am an ng newbie, so maybe you would give me a clue on this.
I have a method which makes a Post to a remote api and receives a blob containg a file. It looks like this:
// …
public downloadExcel(): void {
const url: string = “[api endpoint here ]”;, data.body, { responseType: ‘blob’ }).subscribe((response: Blob) => {
saveAs(response, data.fileName + ‘.xlsx’);
In this case, the filename is created inside the function. Everything is fine.
Now, I need to use the filename that is being returned by the api.
How can I achieve this?
Any help will be highly appreciated!
Txs in adv,

You mean get fileName from blob? According to docs, blobs have only type and size. No name.

Tks for your reply.
I know that. But I know that I could get the filename from the headers sent by the server along with the blob. But I do not know how to do that= Or maybe is tposible using something else…

Works fine with node. But there are limitations in browsers (although I don’t know what Angular uses for fetching):

As you can see on the snippet I included, I am using the httpClient to make the post

I formatted your code a bit here:

public downloadExcel(): void {
  const url: string = '[api endpoint here ]';, data.body, { responseType: 'blob' })
    .subscribe((response: Blob) => saveAs(response, data.fileName + '.xlsx'));

This code isn’t valid JS, data.body isn’t defined anywhere in this code, so it wont work.
The response: Blob is fine, but I have no idea where, or what data.body is.

I’d provide more insight to the code, a stackblitz reproduction of the code you want working, and the general setup/layout of everything usually helps :smile:

Oops, thank you very much for your time!
Yes, I did not pay attention to the function itself, but to the way it tries to work… My fault.
rActually, data is passed as a parameter and includes the payload.