Another Solution for Use Higher-Order Functions map, filter, or reduce to Solve a Complex Problem - Beginner

Continuing the discussion from freeCodeCamp Challenge Guide: Use Higher-Order Functions map, filter, or reduce to Solve a Complex Problem:

I solved the given problem using the .filter() from the first solution, but instead of using Math.pow, I used just simple multiplication since not all Math methods have been shown or used.


const squareList = arr => {
  // Only change code below this line

  return arr.filter(num => num > 0 && num % parseInt(num) === 0)
                        .map(num => num * num);

  // Only change code above this line

const squaredIntegers = squareList([4, 5.6, -9.8, 3.14, 42, 6, 8.34, -2]);

.filter() numbers that are not greater than zero && numbers that not do equal zero when finding the remainder bewtween a num and a num that has been passed through parseInt().

`.map()` through the array and take a `num` in its place and times it by itself.
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using filter() and map() and Number.isInteger() method.
here is my code :
const squareList = arr => {
// Only change code below this line
return arr
.filter(item => item>0 && Number.isInteger(item)==true)
.map(item => Math.pow(item,2) )

return arr;
// Only change code above this line

const squaredIntegers = squareList([-3, 4.8, 5, 3, -3.2]);