Anybody else looking to learn PHP/WordPress?

Hi all, I recently saw this really well thought out and organised thread by @P1xt , laying out a good learning path for those wanting to complete the Full Stack Certificate. I understand the path is catered towards FCC’s offering of Node and MongoDB for the backend route but the thing is, after getting to grips with JS I personally would be more interested in specialising in PHP and WordPress, one of the main reasons being due to the high demand in my local area. The time may come where I might eventually choose to dive into Node but for now I would rather spend time becoming good with one technology rather than spread myself too thin trying to learn too many things at once.

Based on the learning path provided in the thread above, where would be the best place to incorporate PHP/WordPress learning? The multitude of PHP learning resources out there make it difficult to simply just pick one or a small set of materials that is catered to the newer learner wanting to get into backend. Right now I’m leaning towards Treehouse, Pluralsight and PHP manual but I would be grateful if anyone can give any other resources where one can especially dabble with projects, just like what FCC does with HTML/JS etc.

TL;DR: How do I go about mixing learning PHP/WordPress along with FCC’s curriculum?

I found the same thing when looking at the jobs in my local area, nearly every job posted wanted some experience with PHP.

I’ve just started to learn PHP through Treehouse it seems good so far but only done a couple of modules so hard to really judge on that. I’m following one of P1xt guides and he suggested doing the back end projects in PHP and Javascript.

I am facing a similar question right now. I just finished up a client-server development class with my university before discovering Free Code Camp. It was all PHP/MySQL and we used the book PHP and MySQL for Dynamic Web Sites: Visual QuickPro Guide (4th Edition). It can be picked up for under $35 and the author takes you through several projects and then three examples at the end. It does a very good job and it’s highly-rated on Amazon. The author includes free access to the project files so you can also check your work.

P1xt, I’m familiar with Bucky Roberts (AKA thenewboston) as well. He’s can be pretty cheesy at times, but I started learning a little Java from his videos a few years ago.
