Applying for a Work and Residence Visa

Hello friends, I am a full-stack web developer proficient in JavaScript, Python, and PHP along with their frameworks. I am also skilled in designing user interfaces using Figma software and currently learning motion graphics. I am based in Iran and fluent in English, but I have no work experience and currently working as a freelancer. I am eager to obtain a work visa for a European or American country. I would appreciate your guidance on which countries and under what conditions may be suitable for my situation. Thank you.


Working as a freelancer is work experience.
I’ve worked as a freelancer for many years and have had some freelance gigs convert into full-time employment.
It sounds like you’re on the right track. Keep doing what you’re doing. Possibly try to get some freelance work at companies that are located in the countries you are interested in to gain contacts in those countries.

Good luck!

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Thank you for your kind response. I wish you all the best!

I can’t comment on individual situation (and IANAL), but kinda similar answer to what I said to a Russian guy in another thread. Core issue is that the your country is currently engaged in a proxy war with the countries you want to work in, which makes things incredibly complicated.

The issue is going to be that you’re difficult to hire, so what @KenStoneBlue says re. freelancing doesn’t work because it’s going to be somewhere between extremely difficult to illegal for you to work on US/EU code or be paid while you’re based in Iran.

The two Iranians I’ve known/worked with both came to do degrees in the UK, then got residency after that. Being sponsored isn’t out of the question, but there needs to be a very compelling reason to do so (in particular in this case: given the country, it’s going to attract interest from security services amongst other things). From a UK perspective, there are income stipulations (34k for programmers, 27k for web designers), which are perfectly reasonable for a non-junior, but you’re likely looking at junior level. EU is similar, and I assume same goes for US.

I was about the say the same for my country, Germany. You will need German at least at B1/B2-level to be considered for most jobs (Berlin and other metropolitan areas might be the exception). Plus other high bureaucratic hurdles from both Germany and the EU.

What you have got going for you is your fantastic English and that you probably can offer freelance rates someone from the US/Europe can’t compete with.

If you deliver quality code (there are many fake developers on platforms like Fiverr), are reliable and offer good rates, consider making a career on freelance platforms an option.

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Thank you for your guidance, I will definitely take note of this

The truth is, I want to get a residence in a European or American country and immigrate. Thank you for your answer, I hope you will be successful