I’ve been trying my best to try to make the Arithmetic Formatter on my own, but my result of the final print call is not acceptable by it, and it is EXACTLY THE RESULT THEY ARE ASKING FOR. Please help to see what I can do to actually pass this Tests.
Here are the code, I think I pasted it correctly.
I have been working on it on Visual Studio, there are no exception, the formatting is clean, exactly as the example, instruction they are asking me. Screenshot included for more clarity. I even print the result they gave me out and I still unable to find a differences between my function print result vs their result.
My current code on GitHub (Currently trying to learning GitHub)
def arithmetic_arranger(problems, show_answer=False):
sorting_problem = ''
row1 = ''
row2 = ''
row3 = ''
row4 = ''
if len(problems) > 5:
return "Error: Too many problems."
for problem in problems:
if '+' in problem:
operator_index = problem.find('+')
first_number = problem[:operator_index].strip()
second_number = problem[operator_index + 1:].strip()
operator = '+'
if not first_number.isdigit() or not second_number.isdigit():
return "Error: Numbers must only contain digits."
if len(first_number) > 4 or len(second_number) > 4:
return "Error: Numbers cannot be more than four digits."
elif '-' in problem:
operator_index = problem.find('-')
first_number = problem[:operator_index].strip()
second_number = problem[operator_index + 1:].strip()
operator = '-'
if not first_number.isdigit() or not second_number.isdigit():
return "Error: Numbers must only contain digits."
if len(first_number) > 4 or len(second_number) > 4:
return "Error: Numbers cannot be more than four digits."
return "Error: Operator must be '+' or '-'."
# Construct the sorted problem string
sorting_problem += f"{first_number.strip()} {operator} {second_number.strip()}\n"
# Max length of the "----" row 3
max_length = max(len(first_number), len(second_number))
# Sorting the formats
row1 += first_number.rjust(max_length + 2) + ' '
row2 += operator + second_number.rjust(max_length + 1) + ' '
row3 += '-' * (max_length + 2) + ' '
# Calculate the result of the arithmetic if show_answer is True
if show_answer == True:
if operator == '+':
result = str(int(first_number) + int(second_number))
elif operator == '-':
result = str(int(first_number) - int(second_number))
row4 += result.rjust(5) + ' '
if show_answer == False:
row4 = ''
# Combine the rows
sorting_problem = row1.rstrip() + '\n' + row2.rstrip() + '\n' + row3.rstrip() + '\n' + row4.rstrip()
# Return the arranged problems
return sorting_problem
print(arithmetic_arranger(["11 + 4", "3801 - 2999", "1 + 2", "123 + 49", "1 - 9380"]))
#print(str(" 11 3801 1 123 1\n+ 4 - 2999 + 2 + 49 - 9380\n---- ------ --- ----- ------."))
Please help me to understand how I could pass this course