Back End Development and APIs Projects - Timestamp Microservice

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All tests are passing so I don’t know why it doesn’t take me to the next challenge when submitting the solution. This is my code:

app.get('/api/:date', (req, res) => {

    if (Date.parse( {
        console.log('case: date string')
        res.json({ unix: Date.parse(, utc: new Date( });
    else if (Number.parseInt( {
        console.log('case: unix to date');
        res.json({ unix: Number.parseInt(, utc: new Date(Number.parseInt( });
    else {
        res.json({ error: 'Invalid Date' });


app.get('/api', (req, res) => {
    res.json({ unix:, utc: new Date().toUTCString() });

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Challenge: Back End Development and APIs Projects - Timestamp Microservice

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