Back End Development and APIs Projects - URL Shortener Microservice

Tell us what’s happening:

Test 2 and 3 dont pass, but code works fine:

const originalUrls = [];
const shortUrls = [];'/api/shorturl', (req,res)=>{
  const url = req.body.url;
  const foundIndex = originalUrls.indexOf(url)

  if(!url.includes('https://') && !url.includes("https://")){
    return res.json({error:'invalid url'})


    return res.json({
      original_url: url,
      short_url: shortUrls.length-1

  return res.json({
    original_url: url,
    short_url: shortUrls[foundIndex]

app.get("/api/shorturl/:shorturl",(req, res)=>{
  const shorturl = parseInt(req.params.shorturl);
  const foundIndex = shortUrls.indexOf(shorturl)

    return res.json({
      "error": "No short URL found for the given input"


Your code so far

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Challenge Information:

Back End Development and APIs Projects - URL Shortener Microservice

Your URL validation code is not working.

Open the browser dev tools and look at the request/response in the network tab when you submit your code.

See an issue here?

if (!url.includes("https://") && !url.includes("https://"))
1 Like

Oh, i see it now. Thank you very much

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