
In this part

background-image: linear-gradient(
      rgba(58, 58, 158, 0.8),
      rgba(136, 136, 206, 0.7)

when i put the seccion “linear-gradient” I can´t see anything in my own page! please can you help me?

I put that in the part --body::before:
Your code so far

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Challenge: Build a Survey Form

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Hello and welcome to the freeCodeCamp community~!

Can you provide a link to your live project? Usually for these projects that would be a CodePen link.

I did it! share you my work! thank you!

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Are you saying the CSS you posted doesn’t work for you, or are you saying when you try to do it with your own image in your code it doesn’t work?

Can you post your CSS and not the example you gave because that should work just fine.

Here it is with your image.

background-image: linear-gradient(
    rgba(58, 58, 158, 0.8),
    rgba(136, 136, 206, 0.7)