I get "Your script should have the suggests “if” statement added correctly " even though I added them correctly.
Have you tried to click the reset button in the middle of your screen?
No, I thought it would reset my progress. Should I?
You should notice that this curriculum is in beta. This means it is not 100% stable. You should also notice that at the top of the relational database curriculum there is a warning asking people to read the linked post. The post has instructions and troubleshooting steps. You should take a look in case you run into problems.
Finally, try to close the bash terminal and click the reset button in the middle of the page to reset the last step.
Then you can retry and hopefully it works.
But if it doesn’t, and you are sure you are doing everything correctly, then read the troubleshooting in the pinned post I mentioned.
I am having the same issue currently. The tutorial isn’t in beta now though.
Furthermore, if I press the reset button I’m warned that it would reset the whole tutorial and I would lose my progress. I am more than 80% into it and I wouldn’t like to lose my progress.
the reset button resets only the current step