Basic JavaScript - Comparison with the Equality Operator

Tell us what’s happening:
In this question it is asking " Add the equality operator to the indicated line so that the function will return the string Equal when val is equivalent to 12". But if the value is equal to 12 and at the bottom argument for testEqual is 10 then how it can return the String “Equal”. It will return the string “Not Equal”. this question is needed to be update properly in my opinion.

Your code so far

// Setup
function testEqual(val) {
  if (val == 12) { // Change this line
    return "Equal";
  return "Not Equal";


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Challenge: Basic JavaScript - Comparison with the Equality Operator

Link to the challenge:

The automated tests check the testEqual function multiple times with different inputs as shown in their explanations.

You can call the function manually with different arguments for your own debugging. Or you can delete the function call entirely. All that matters is the testEqual function definition.

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