Basic JavaScript - Compound Assignment With Augmented Multiplication

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Your code so far

let a = 5;
let b = 12;
let c = 4.6;

// Only change code below this line
a *= a * 1;
b *= .25 * b;
c *= c * 2.1739;

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Challenge: Basic JavaScript - Compound Assignment With Augmented Multiplication

Link to the challenge:

Please Tell us what’s happening in your own words.

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a should equal 25
b should equal 36
c should equal 46
must use * = operator in each variable.
This is how i calculated my answers below. The 3rd one appears to be wrong not sure why.
25=5(5 * 1)
36=12(.25* 12)
46=4.6(4.6 * 2.1739)

Welcome to the community!

myVar = myVar * 5;
myVar *= 5;

If you look at the example and use it as a guide to complete the lesson, it becomes more clear I think.

Happy coding! :slight_smile:

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