Basic JavaScript - Escaping Literal Quotes in Strings

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Your code so far

var myStr = "I am a \"double quoted\" string inside \"double quotes\"";


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Challenge: Basic JavaScript - Escaping Literal Quotes in Strings

Link to the challenge:

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Where is the period at the end of the sentence?

i don’t know how to pass this one i’ve done any thing in the tutorial but it doesn’t show

This is your starting code, posted here. Add the period between the last two double quotes, which are positioned at the end of the sentence:


there will show another quotetion mark that become before I

This is your code tested in the challenge:

Read the comment in the console below about why the code doesn’t pass.
As you can see a dot is obligatory here. It is part of the required string.

Post the code after adding that dot.

thanks finally i did it

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