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Why you don’t have to put let,var or const before oopsGlobal? it is not declared anywhere. Your code so far
// Declare the myGlobal variable below this line
let myGlobal=10;
function fun1() {
// Assign 5 to oopsGlobal here
// Only change code above this line
function fun2() {
let output = "";
if (typeof myGlobal != "undefined") {
output += "myGlobal: " + myGlobal;
if (typeof oopsGlobal != "undefined") {
output += " oopsGlobal: " + oopsGlobal;
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Challenge: Basic JavaScript - Global Scope and Functions
Hi, so in this scenario, the oopsGlobal becomes a new variable that you are declaring within the block. As it is a block scope variable, it is new and would not be found elsewhere in the code - specific to this function only. I hope this helps
When you do not declare a variable JS tries to be “helpful” by placing it on the global object. Which is just a huge foot gun and not actually helpful.
Open a new browser tab, open the console Shift + Ctrl + J paste the code below.
Do the same again in strict mode and it will fail (remember to open a new tab).
'use strict'
function createGlobalVariable() {
oopsGlobal = 5;
console.log(globalThis.oopsGlobal); // Uncaught ReferenceError: oopsGlobal is not defined