Tell us what’s happening:
I checked the “hint” and also the video, the code is exactly like on the video. I’ve been looking at it for the past hour and cant understand what is wrong… It doesn’t let me pass. I tried without console.log, still nothing…
Anyone could help, please? Thanks! Your code so far
function myLocalScope() {
var myVar = 5;
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Challenge: Basic JavaScript - Local Scope and Functions
El fragmento de código que has proporcionado contiene un error. El error es que estás tratando de acceder a la variable myVar fuera de la función myLocalScope, y myVar está definida dentro de la función, por lo que no es una variable global.
Recuerda que el uso de variables globales debe hacerse con precaución, ya que puede llevar a problemas de mantenimiento y depuración en programas más grandes
The code snippet you provided contains an error. The error is that you are trying to access the variable myVar outside the function myLocalScope, and myVar is defined inside the function, so it is not a global variable.
Remember that the use of global variables should be done with caution, as it can lead to maintenance and debugging problems in larger programs
Can you please point out which of the two tests fail when you hit the “Run the tests (Ctrl + Enter)” button? It will help me determine why you are failing the challenge.